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24 votes

Closing a question for lack of clarity or focus or objectivity should require elaboration from the closer

Honestly? I don't see that many questions about it. Some people have been asking them more on Meta, which is good, and we can handle it on Meta since it's a vanishingly small number of people who ...
Makoto's user avatar
  • 106k
16 votes

Closing a question for lack of clarity or focus or objectivity should require elaboration from the closer

Sometimes explanations for why a question post is unclear requires much more effort than an asker have devoted when creating a post. Example: If you want us to help you in solving the error in your ...
Tsyvarev's user avatar
  • 65.5k
11 votes

Disable Close votes if no more votes possible

On the bottom right of the close dialogue it already does tell you how many votes you have left today. If you've closed a lot of questions today just keep checking that so you know if you're close to ...
Robert Longson's user avatar
10 votes

Why was this message in the close status hero box?

If you use a custom close reason, then it will, by default, select the most generic close reason available on the site. I would imagine that this would be so that users can't populate a more......
Makoto's user avatar
  • 106k
8 votes

Trouble adding duplicates to a closed question

Posting this here because this one is status-reviewed, hopefully it helps whoever handles the ticket. It appears that in duplicate-targets-edited they've forgotten to provide a callback to asyncLoad ...
Henry Ecker's user avatar
  • 35.5k
7 votes

Vote option says I can't vote to close after retracting my vote, but I didn't retract my vote

You participated in closing the question when it was asked (nearly a week ago), and since then it has been reopened. The system counts this as "retracting" your vote for you: you don't get ...
Karl Knechtel's user avatar
6 votes

Trouble adding duplicates to a closed question

This is now fixed, as of Feb 6th, 2023. You can now select one of the suggested duplicates, which loads the question into the popup box, then the "Add Original" button is enabled to confirm.
Connell's user avatar
  • 14.4k
5 votes

Why was this message in the close status hero box?

Yeah, that is the default. Why is the default close message used? One was given It's a free form text entry box, and you've been around long enough to know what people can do with those. I've seen ...
Jon Clements's user avatar
3 votes

When opening the flag menu (To flag a question, answer) then scrolling down, The flag menu does not move

It's not "disappearing". The "flag" and "close" dialogs scroll with the page. You can drag them around manually by grabbing onto the header with your mouse (e.g., to move ...
Cody Gray's user avatar
  • 244k
2 votes

Please autofocus the input field when opening duplicate closure dialog in SG

Nice catch! There was code that was trying to automatically focus this, but it wasn't working. I fixed it and now it should be focusing as expected.
Kyle Pollard's user avatar
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Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible