35 votes

Stack Overflow is no longer providing Creative Commons Data Dumps

So on my tirade against AI on Meta Stack Exchange, I did a little extra digging around about what was and wasn't kosher with respect to LLM training. In short, IANAL but I don't think that the CEO's ...
Makoto's user avatar
  • 105k
24 votes

What is "quota_max" and "quota_remaining" in api.stackexchange.com/2.2/users API?

quota_max is the maximum number of API calls allowed per day per IP-address. quota_remaining is the number of API calls you have remaining for this day from this IP-address. Once you've exhausted that ...
rene's user avatar
  • 41.9k
24 votes

How do I get past human verification for a GET request to a Stack Overflow query?

The following principles are at play: The web front-end (i.e. http://stackoverflow.com) is not meant for automated consumption (e.g. scrapers, bots). The API (i.e. http://api.stackexchange.com) is ...
CodeCaster's user avatar
  • 150k
22 votes

Is there any way where I could embed my stack overflow profile on my website?

Yes, You can embed your stackoverflow profile onto your website using your user flair. see here https://stackoverflow.com/users/flair Simply copy and paste the HTML snippet(you will get one in the ...
Rahul Saini's user avatar
20 votes

Stack Overflow is no longer providing Creative Commons Data Dumps

The same concern was brought up on the network-wide Meta site: June 2023 Data Dump is missing. Although I have answered there, I have also copied my answer here for maximum visibility: Much has been ...
Philippe's user avatar
  • 101
19 votes

Count number of questions, answers and comments on a tag

There's an issue with the join you are using between Posts and PostTags, use: p.Id = t.PostId: Try this one: https://data.stackexchange.com/stackoverflow/query/edit/433365#resultSets SELECT Count(...
Tanner's user avatar
  • 22.5k
18 votes

Why does the API convert some characters to HTML entities?

See the "Safety" section in the API's Filters doc: Filters also carry a notion of safety, which is defined as follows. Any string returned as a result of an API call with a safe filter will be ...
Brock Adams's user avatar
  • 92.3k
18 votes

SE API is randomly responding with "site is required" errors and now CORS errors

Thanks for reporting. We're working on porting our websites to ASP.NET Core, and those errors you've seen were a result of this. We caught the first error ourselves on a canary build and fixed it ...
m0sa's user avatar
  • 10.8k
16 votes

How can I use the API to access private team information?

It looks like the scope query parameter you passed when obtaining your access token didn't have the access_team|stackoverflow.com/c/your-team-url, as detailed in the Teams-specific docs. I think you'...
Jarrod Dixon's user avatar
  • 15.8k
11 votes

Mass-edit the typo "depencies"?

Is it easy to make a mass edit... It doesn't matter how easy or hard it is, we still shouldn't do it. Editing shouldn't be automated like this. A script that mass-edits one typo on thousands of posts ...
Bill the Lizard's user avatar
11 votes

Some API requests to /users are failing with status code 404 errors

The fix has been deployed to production and the issue is resolved. Major kudos to @andrew-t for figuring out this was specific to RMs in the new Mobile Dev collective! And thanks to @mago for ...
John M. Wright's user avatar
10 votes

Is it possible to maintain a Stack Overflow for Teams user list (deactivate) via a REST API?

The API states that the data access is read-only. Starting with the release of Stack Overflow For Teams, the Stack Exchange API exposes read-only access to data stored in private Teams. So no; you ...
Makoto's user avatar
  • 105k
10 votes

Some API requests to /users are failing with status code 404 errors

This only occurs to some members of the new "Mobile Development" Collective. All users who are a Recognized member of that collective will return the same error, if the collectives field is ...
Andrew T.'s user avatar
  • 4,711
9 votes

Getting: “key is not valid for passed access_token, token not found.” when using Teams API

Teams API access still works fine for me. Something not shown in the question is the problem. Don't use total for the filter. That filter omits crucial wrapper and error properties and may be ...
Brock Adams's user avatar
  • 92.3k
9 votes

How to find which answers were marked as spam?

The API won't help here; it doesn't provide details about deleted posts. SEDE does in some way; it has a PostsWithDeleted table containing some information about deleted posts. You can join it with ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
  • 22.3k
9 votes

Auto Reply to a Post on Stack Overflow

This only makes sense if you want to treat Stack Overflow as some kind of support desk or service center for people getting help with your software. Stack Overflow is firmly not that kind of place.
Makoto's user avatar
  • 105k
8 votes

Is it possible to programmatically post on Stack Overflow?

Yes, with the Stack Exchange API. The documentation home page lists all available methods.
user247702's user avatar
8 votes

Are there existing tools to help track a tag and gather statistics?

Some of this info can already be found in existing SEDE queries: Number of Questions per Time Period: Day: https://data.stackexchange.com/stackoverflow/queries?q=questions+asked+per+day Month: ...
TylerH's user avatar
  • 21.1k
8 votes

Querying Answers

The easiest way is just to use the search page and include the term is:answer (from the help page on searching), e.g. this query returns only answers containing NullPointerException. It is possible ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
  • 22.3k
8 votes

Does the Stack Overflow API support the ability to get questions that are Active or Hot?

For "Active" questions, almost every route supports sorting by last_activity_date (Descending). For example: /2.2/posts?order=desc&sort=activity&site=stackoverflow, which shows the most ...
Brock Adams's user avatar
  • 92.3k
7 votes

Additional User Data from Stack Exchange API

This information is not available in the public API. Some additional comments... The user email is private; it is not available to the general public. This is in keeping with standard (EU at least) ...
Ben's user avatar
  • 52.3k
7 votes

favicon-<name> on Stack Exchange sites... icons... need relation between <name> and something, like site number or site name

No need to mess around with CSS files, separate icons are already available in the API: https://api.stackexchange.com/docs/sites Example for Stack Overflow: "high_resolution_icon_url": "https://cdn....
user247702's user avatar
7 votes

Using SO API in open source project

Yes, you'll be fine, as long as you follow the API Terms of Use. You should also read Throttles section of the documentation for info on the rate-limiting system, if you intend to make a lot of ...
Jonas Czech's user avatar
  • 12.2k
7 votes

Obtain user reputation without Flair

Thanks to DavidG's comment, I found that user information including reputation can be obtained by sending a request to the Stack Exchange API. This endpoint: https://api.stackexchange.com/2.2/users/{...
Roshana Pitigala's user avatar
7 votes

Total and count do not match

It's certainly easier to see what's going on if you try a tag with fewer questions (or indeed a site that has fewer questions so that the tags automatically have fewer questions). In Vegetarianism and ...
Robert Longson's user avatar
6 votes

Is it possible to get the original HTML content of a question?

No, you can't get the original HTML from the question but you can get the Markdown that was posted for each revision. See When does the question/answer text get converted from markdown to html This ...
rene's user avatar
  • 41.9k
5 votes

Count number of questions, answers and comments on a tag

The following SEDE Query returns, for posts in a specific tag, the counts for questions, answers, comments, views and bookmarked. You can select the tag you're interested in as a parameter select sum( ...
rene's user avatar
  • 41.9k
5 votes

Is there some web API to query my Stack Overflow profile and score?

That is not available from the API. At best you get your own reputation: /2.2/users/841108?order=desc&sort=reputation&site=stackoverflow&filter=!LnNkvsiMoAuboSNHiWK3fq { "...
rene's user avatar
  • 41.9k
5 votes

How do we seed questions in Stack Overflow for Teams?

Both Stack Overflow for Teams Business and Enterprise offer a write API for both asking and answering questions which can be used for seeding content. We also offer data migration services for a fee ...
Juice's user avatar
  • 2,870
5 votes

Unable to obtain code for teams: API access is not supported on this channel

As Andrew T. wrote in a comment, API access is only available on the Basic and Business tiers. I am using the Free tier (for now), so API access is not supported. The error message is correct. This is ...
Boyan Mihaylov's user avatar

Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible