A few days ago I added one comment on this answer 
[Glide-4.0.0 Missing placeholder, error, GlideApp and does not resolve its method placeholder, error][1]

   I asked some question to the user about his answer

My comment was something like below but not exactly the same  
> `We have no need to use RequestOptions also.` No you have used **`centerCropTransform()`** that statically import `import static com.bumptech.glide.request.RequestOptions.centerCropTransform;` that's no need to use `RequestOptions` if your remove `centerCropTransform()` than  you get  error like method does not resolve

I don't know the reason why my comment is deleted 

I know we can flag the comment like 

 - rude or abusive 
 - no longer needed 
 - in need of moderator intervention 

Please Note I have already visited similar questions 



but it did not help to understand in my case

So my questions are: 

 1. Why was my comment deleted?
 2. Did I make a mistake in my comment?
 3. Which flag was used on my comment?
 4. Can someone explain the reasoning behind it? 

  [1]: https://stackoverflow.com/a/50253398/7666442