It is possible for companies to offer API support via Stack Overflow and have it work well for every party involved, but this isn't that. At least not yet. The Community Team (of which I'm a member) is getting in touch with folks at LinkedIn. We're very close to a [particularly large holiday]( in the U.S. so it may take a little time, but we're sorting this. Hold tight! ---------- **Update** *A few days ago, [LinkedIn announced they’re significantly limiting the capabilities of their public API]( The change has caused an uptick in questions using the [tag:linkedin] tag, beyond what the community was already struggling to keep up with.* *The silver lining is that with decreased capabilities, the number of questions about the LinkedIn API should wane over time. In the immediate term, we’ve provided the LinkedIn team with recommendations for mitigating the issues caused by these changes; I'm hoping they’ll contribute some time to making the transition easier.*