I have forked [the original query](http://data.stackexchange.com/stackoverflow/query/696163/find-interesting-unanswered-questions?Tagname=angularjs&UserId=4927984) as created by [sam.saffron](http://data.stackexchange.com/users/1/sam-saffron) (also known as [waffles](https://meta.stackexchange.com/users/17174/waffles)) and made the adjustments to allow specifying a single tagname without sacrificing the other logic  of the query. 

This is what my version of the query looks like:

<!-- language: lang-sql -->

    -- Find interesting unanswered questions
    -- Looks at unanswered questions in your top 20 tags 
    -- or a specific tag
    -- sorts them by
    -- a combined weight which takes into account: score, askers reputation and how
    -- well you do on that particular tag
    DECLARE @UserId int = ##UserId##
    -- tagname parameter
    DECLARE @Tagname nvarchar(35) = '##Tagname?(none)##' -- we don't know null in SEDE
    create table #tags (TagId int, [Count] int)
    insert #tags 
    SELECT TOP 20 
        COUNT(*) AS UpVotes 
    FROM Tags
        INNER JOIN PostTags ON PostTags.TagId = Tags.id
        INNER JOIN Posts ON Posts.ParentId = PostTags.PostId
        INNER JOIN Votes ON Votes.PostId = Posts.Id and VoteTypeId = 2
        Posts.OwnerUserId = @UserId
    -- handle if the default tagname is used 
    -- or handle if an actual tagname is used
    AND (@tagname = '(none)' OR Tags.tagname = @tagname)  
    GROUP BY TagId
    create table #unanswered (Id int primary key)
    insert #unanswered 
    select q.Id  from Posts q
    where (select count(*) from Posts a where a.ParentId = q.Id and a.Score > 0) = 0
    and CommunityOwnedDate is null and ClosedDate is null and q.ParentId is null 
    and AcceptedAnswerId is null
    select top 2000 u.Id as [Post Link], 
    (sum(t.[Count]) / 10.0 + us.Reputation / 200.0 + p.Score * 100) as Weight 
    from #unanswered u
    join Posts p on u.Id = p.Id
    join PostTags pt on pt.PostId = u.Id
    join #tags t on t.TagId = pt.TagId  
    join Users us on us.Id = p.OwnerUserId  
    group by u.Id, us.Reputation, p.Score 
    order by Weight desc 

Notice that the tagname parameter requires the text *(none)* to be entered if you want the behavior from the original query. SEDE doesn't allow you to submit a form if not all parameters have a value. 

When run today the result for your userid and tag angularjs is:

[![SEDE result][1]][1]

Keep in mind SEDE is only updated once a week, on Sunday.

If you want to teach yourself how to use SEDE, do try the [SEDE Tutorial](https://data.stackexchange.com/tutorial) as offered in a comment by [Robert Longson](https://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/346611/find-interesting-unanswered-questions-about-a-specific-tag/352296#comment462960_346611). Feel free to give it a try and provide feedback for the [creators](https://meta.stackexchange.com/a/280625/158100).   
Beyond that you might find [Interesting queries on Data Explorer](https://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/49943/interesting-queries-on-data-explorer) and [Useful Data Queries](https://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/253580/useful-data-queries) useful as well as the [Database schema documentation for the public data dump and SEDE](https://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/2677/database-schema-documentation-for-the-public-data-dump-and-sede) once you mastered the basics.

  [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/2AZkD.png