I flagged [this answer][1] on [How can I play Apple HLS live stream using html5 video tag][2] and it was declined. This has caused me to re-evaluate whether I am evaluating link only answers correctly. Now when I evaluate if an answer is a link-only answer I strip out any links and see if the answer still can be an answer. So if we do that then > On Browsers supporting [Media Source Extension][3] you can use https://github.com/dailymotion/hls.js Would become > On Browsers supporting Media Source Extension you can use IMHO this is not an answer as the rest of the answer is listing the requirement to use the linked to utility. If that link were to break, the answer would not be an answer. Am I evaluating link-only answers correctly? If I am could someone explain why this would have been declined? [1]: http://stackoverflow.com/a/32757155/4342498 [2]: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18434803/how-can-i-play-apple-hls-live-stream-using-html5-video-tag [3]: http://caniuse.com/#feat=mediasource