I [put in a request to exterminate a user earlier today][1], and as my request was fulfilled I flagged my question asking for the [tag:status-completed] tag to be edited into the question. My flag was marked as 'helpful' and the tag was inserted, but however the *images in the question [were re-uploaded to Stack Exchange's Imgur][2].* I use the `puush` screenshot capture program in order to upload my screenshots, and as I increasingly use Stack Overflow at college, where Imgur is blocked. In questions when I insert an image, I always replace the link referring to the image at Stack Exchange's Imgur to the link that the `puush` program provides. Whilst I know a few good reasons *why* images are automatically copied across to Stack Exchange's Imgur, ***is is a 'good' idea to change my images to Imgur?*** Is it a rule on Stack Overflow/Meta that we must use Imgur for images? [1]: https://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/277834/please-destroy-this-user [2]: https://meta.stackoverflow.com/posts/277834/revisions [3]: https://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/273032/should-i-edit-external-image-links-by-reuploading-on-imgur