Several problems come immediately to mind. 1. There isn't a clear statement of a goal. Your question is a meandering through your own confusion about what you *should* be doing. This makes the question subjective and open ended. Being in that situation is fine, but pooring that situation out into an SO question typically makes for a poor post on this site. 1. The underlying goal is completely design oriented. It's not about the *code* as much as it is about the *principles* of the technology you're using. This is readily apparent just looking at the end of your question: > Is this an example where it's preferable to break the "no async wrapper for sync code" rule? The answer probably won't (or at least doesn't need to) involve code. You could ask the same question about a number of other languages without even involving C#. This immediately suggests it'd probably be a much better fit for [Software Engineering](, where well-asked questions about design principles and norms find a home. 1. You've included far too many details. In an attempt to narrow it down, you've included a lot of unnecessary details (like you have a "business logic layer into which services are injected as dependencies" and a "data repository service that performs CRUD"). Your question is about an overall design. **The real design question is getting lost in this overload of details.** The enormous amount of detail has made the question specific to the point of uselessness to future readers. In an effort to mitigate the first point and make the question on topic for SO, it's become "too localized," as the old close reason used to say. As a result of all that specificity and those code sample, your question has morphed into something approaching a "Here is my entire code base; you figure it out," question. These are *awful* to try to read through as an answerer. To fix it, make your question about the *principles* and the *overall design* and ask on SoftwareEngineering.SE instead. This will probably allow you to omit an enormous amount of irrelevant detail and the code samples and instead craft a question that focuses on only the specific elements of your design needed to address the issue of having an asynchronous wrapper. A TL;DR section isn't going to fix this.