[I'm the original commenter]

My opinion is that at minimum there should be a comment of some sort.
E.g. (Go example)

Instead of:

    value, _ := Func1()


    value, err := someFunc()
    // check err!!
    err = Func2(value)

(in particular, if the reader doesn't go to the documentation, like they should, they may not even realize `Func2` returns an error).   

Although it's true that some people will just do foolish things and that can't be prevented; we can at least make it a *little* harder for someone that just doesn't know any better to start getting into bad habits.

The issue is that as much as we can blame the fools that cut-n-paste bad/incomplete examples into their own code, this happens. And then some other SO user has to waste time answering a question by someone that is ignoring errors.