I don't think the edit should have been approved. Markdown, and so links, doesn't work in excerpts and so they just look terrible and are useless, especially when you hover the tag, it's just messy instead of useful. Even on the main wiki page they don't work. Also, I don't think the text provided adds anything useful above it being blank. Often, *something* is better than *nothing*, but this is not, and especially when you counter in the time taken to write it, and a bunch of people to review it. This is just a wasted opportunity. ---------- Comparing the excerpt for CakePHP (for example) to Galen: CakePHP: > CakePHP is a rapid development framework for PHP that provides an extensible architecture for developing, maintaining, and deploying > applications. It uses commonly known design patterns like MVC and ORM > within the convention over configuration paradigm. Galen: > The [Galen Framework][1] is a framework that provides automated > testing of look and feel for responsive websites [1]: > http://galenframework.com/ The CakePHP excerpt provides enough info to be useful when I hover the tag around the site, to give me a quick idea of what it's about. The Galen one tells me nothing at all, in fact the *only* info provided, "provides automated testing of look and feel for responsive websites", just causes me confusion and the need to even go elsewhere and clarify what the info provided means.