I got this message today:

[![enter image description here][1]][1]

So I tapped learn more and the read the description of the event on [this page][2]. Most Important thing was this:

> As a result, all of their votes were removed, and the reputation you
> gained or lost from them was undone.

Now as evident from the rep change, It must have been some editing events. I then started digging on meta and found [this][3], [this][4] & [this][5] very helpful in understanding the event. But what I don't understand is since I got the reputation earned from editing their questions/answers which most likely were approved by other users, why do I have to suffer if that user violated the network's policies? Okay votes I understand because a malicious user might have been casting votes without even thinking about it. But why do editing events have to be covered in the same blanket? I am not whining about 4 rep, Please don't think that. I am  just curious. Isn't it rather unfair that you lose the rep which you worked for (Which you did not gain just because some user just randomly tapped upvote) just because that user stepped out of line? In my case it is only 4 but in someone else's case it could possibly be a lot higher. Can someone please explain to me why do editing rep changes have to be rolled back as well? The rationale behind it? Also does it affect my progress on [Strunk & White][6] badge? (I checked the progress and I don't think it did affect my progress).

  [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/nnzf3.png
  [2]: http://stackoverflow.com/help/user-was-removed
  [3]: http://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/265611/is-all-of-this-because-a-user-was-removed
  [4]: http://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/126470/what-does-user-was-removed-mean-and-why-did-my-reputation-change-because-of-it
  [5]: http://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/125740/dont-throw-away-all-votes-when-a-user-is-deleted
  [6]: http://stackoverflow.com/help/badges/12/strunk-white