According to the [badges page](, the **Publicist badge** is a gold badge granted when a user:

>Shares a link to a question later visited by 1000 unique IP addresses.

Excellent. I didn't even know such a badge existed when [I got my first one]( a few days ago.

A more detailed description of this badge is provided in [this answer](

> Take the link from the share option directly underneath the question
> and then share this specially tailored link (it contains your user ID
> to identify you as the source) pretty much anywhere you like, to
> encourage other people to visit the link (and thus drive traffic to
> the site).
> This could include Facebook, Twitter, any other social networking site
> or your blog, for example. But could extend to non-web methods, maybe
> sneakily write it on the whiteboards around your school / Uni /
> workplace, directly tell others you work / learn with, give it to with
> your mates down the pub, and so on...

**Question:** How did [this guy]( manage to nab [SIX Publicist badges at the same time](

[![enter image description here][1]][1]
