_This message was written to Stack Overflow support. I wanted to post it here in Meta to get the community's response as well. It's a little scatterbrained because I'm pretty tilted, but I wanted to write it up before I became too discouraged and swept my feelings under the mat._ >Dear StackOverflow, > >I want to contribute on your website, but I experience gender-exclusive language on your site almost every day. I keep a positive attitude about it and still provide helpful answers, but I feel it's unfair to leave such language completely unrecognized. Moderators seem to be burying the issue, making it impossible for me to effect change amongst my peers. What should I do? > >Sincerely, >naomik --- This question is not addressed by http://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/260776/should-i-remove-fluff-when-editing-questions. I am asking what I can do to not feel so powerless when it comes to combating sexist language on SO. I don't expect Stack Overflow to be a forum for societal issues, but as a female in a male-dominated industry, it can be very challenging facing gender-exclusive language and mindsets on a daily basis. I think I keep a pretty level head when I've encountered such language. I'll usually reply with some tongue-in-cheek remark to prompt others to think about the language they use when addressing their colleagues or the community on SO. Yeah, I get that it's off-topic, but it's so ingrained in user language that it often goes by completely undetected - both by the people writing with gender-exclusive language and people reading it. I write to support today to let you know that I'm officially offended - which is remarkably difficult to do. Not because someone used gender-exclusive language, but because a moderator buried it to make it look like nothing happened. **Context:** The question started with: "I know this is going to be easy for you guys ..." - my answer started with "This would've been easier if I was a boy ..." via: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/39459787/php-arrays-grouping-sum meagar removed the gender-exclusive language from the question and my playful remark in my answer. This effectively removes my voice as a user. I know SO is not my bulletin board for social justice, but I wasn't exactly picking fights with the OP over the matter. These aren't paragraphs of text or bickering arguments. This is natural language that people use when they're speaking to the public. I was only raising a pinkie finger of awareness. meagar's actions trivialize my efforts and bury a serious issue that I encounter very frequently. This isn't helping women that are challenged by this issue - in fact, the opposite is true: meagar's actions have harmed me. I am now isolated and the only party that feels the negative impact of the event. I kept a good attitude about the OP's language and still offered a very helpful reply. The single-sentence acknowledgement of the OP's language might be just enough to help other readers be aware of the issue without being disruptive to the content of the answer. But now I get to experience gender-exclusive language and be the only one to know it happened. **Here's how I get to see it:** User solicits help of of male community. User receives help from 30k reputation female user. Female user nudges that non-males can answer too. SO moderators edit her answer to leave the 99% of the text that serves SO's purpose. Male user got what he came for. Female user discriminated against and silenced. All future visitors blind/ignorant to the abuse. After my voice was taken away from me, I attempted to remove my answer. I no longer wanted to be part of a discussion where I wasn't allowed to have a voice. I didn't want to contribute my effort/knowledge to a question that would not take ownership for the way I was excluded. I do not want the community to benefit at my expense. That is not fair. meagar's response to me trying to remove my answer: he threatened to suspend my account. What planet am I on? How the hell is this acceptable? At what point does SO acknowledge the issue and support users that struggle within the SO community? I've donated thousands of hours to helping people on SO - most of which were received by very graceful/grateful people - but what does SO do for me when I need help? Threaten to suspend me?? **Deleted comment thread for reference and context of exchange between meager and me:** [![Screenshot of comment thread][1]][1] I don't even need SO to say they have my back or fight alongside me – I'm willing to do it on my own, and tactfully too. What I cannot accept is being completely muted and sentenced to an eternal prison of gender-exclusive language. [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/HQu8h.png