While [Ben's answer][3] was once considered the correct behavior on the site, site features since his answer was posted have improved and users are now encouraged in-application to accept or upvote answers. As such, the mod team [no longer endorses][1] the practice of encouraging users, however new to the site they may be, to accept answers or vote in either direction via post comments.

It is actually [now considered a violation of community rules][2] and may draw the ire of the moderation team if this type of engagement continues, so while I (and many) do appreciate the value Ben's answer once brought to the site, following its advice may get you in some trouble. **Do not use the comment sections to encourage or otherwise nudge users towards accepting answers or voting, as the site functionality covers this today.**

This answer is not an endorsement of these rules by myself, but rather, a signpost as to what the moderator expectations in this case are.

[1]: https://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/417570/blatantly-unprofessional-behavior-by-a-moderator-with-no-accountability#comment905718_41757
[2]: https://meta.stackoverflow.com/a/417573/584676
[3]: https://meta.stackoverflow.com/a/251298/584676