> Maybe less accurate, but humans make wrong decisions too.

I think this is the completely wrong way to think about this. If we are going to automate aspects of moderation, it needs to be done accurately. If not, all you are doing is adding *more* work for a human, somewhere, to fix. There are already community run, automatic, solutions being utilized:

 - https://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/280546/can-a-machine-be-taught-to-flag-comments-automatically
 - https://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/343065/can-a-machine-be-taught-to-flag-non-answers-and-post-comments-on-them-automatica
 - https://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/291301/can-a-machine-be-taught-to-flag-spam-automatically

I'm sure there are others too, but I was involved in those three to varying degrees, so I am more aware of how they operate. In each of those cases, reducing accuracy was **not** the goal. 

> My question is this system can be better by my work and also contribution of others but would SO let me use this system (of course freely) for better prediction of closed questions? 

If you are going to build something to automate closing posts, it needs to be accurate. It can't close topics that should remain open and it can't keep topics open that should be closed. 

It sounds like you have a first generation of your project. Great! Improve it. Work on that accuracy though. The projects listed above were not weekend things. They took months and years to get as accurate as they are. 

As it currently sits, I think you'll need to provide a lot more details on how it works and behaves before the community is comfortable with you utilizing it.