Build rev `2017.2.16.25125` has the latests code mirror release, I've also tweaked the key bindings a bit: - <kbd>Tab</kbd> adds indentation to the lines in the current selection, or jumps to the next tab stop (adding either 1 or 2 spaces) if nothing is selected. Previously it just added 2 spaces. - <kbd>Shift</kbd>-<kbd>Tab</kbd> removes an indentation level, from the lines in the current selection, since this is how most developers expect it to behave. Previously it was using the `CodeMirror.commands.indentAuto` which is still buggy in the latest release. I've also remapped that command to the tidy function for the given editor, so if anybody wants to remap it back in a user script (e.g. `CodeMirror.keyMaps.default['Shift-Tab'] = 'indentAuto'`)