> What is the reason for choosing the date Dec 28, 2297 for the suspension to end. I mean is there something special about that particular data and time period of suspension. May this is the last date upto which a suspension is allowed so the moderator just choose the last option.

Only CMs can suspend that long, so technically, mods didn't issue the suspension (though I assume a mod asked for one at some point). Your speculation is sort of right though. The usual process is inserting a sufficient number of 9s into the number of days to suspend. In this case, that number is 99999 days. I'm not sure if that's the maximum number of days possible, but that's already 273 years - even if more is technically doable, it isn't practically necessary.

> Maybe mods suspended instead of deleting because it is possible that they might change their mind in future for some reason and may unblock the ban before the suspension period is over.

Deleting an account is sort of reversible. There are no restrictions on creating new accounts<sup>1</sup>. Suspensions that long exist to deal with a major system limitation in preventing certain users from creating new accounts by effectively locking accounts for the near foreseeable future.

This is, effectively, our equivalent to deleting accounts on some other platforms. It's not great, but that's the system we need to live with. 

Also, it's worth noting that suspensions lasting hundreds of years are exceptionally rare. They're not given out at random, and involves Stack employees making the decision. Because of how serious it is to suspend for that long, it isn't a decision that's taken lightly nor often.

<sup>1</sup>: There are no technical restrictions, aside the built-in spam prevention system. There are lots of restrictions on what the accounts can be used for (for example, ban evasion and sockpuppetry isn't allowed), but these aren't technical restrictions, and therefore outside the scope of this answer.