
**Task:** Write a program that chooses a random number from 1 to 100. The user then attempts to guess this number. After each guess the program tells the user if his/her guess was bigger or smaller than the correct number, or correct. Finally, the program should tell the user how many guesses he/she took.

Since brainfuck doesn't have good ways of seeding the random number generator, it's enough that the numbers are seemingly random the first time the program is run - that is, it's okay to generate the same numbers on the second run. The numbers may not, however, be hardcoded. They must be generated in a way that a (normal) human cannot predict the generated numbers.

A valid way of seeding the random numbers, and I actually recommend doing this, is asking the user for a random seed. The user may then proceed to faceroll his/her keyboard, and the program uses the input as the random number generator's seed.

A very simple program, however I think brainfuck in itself f**cks your brain.