**There's a world of a difference between suggesting people never answer, vs suggesting people not answer until the contest is over**

namely Mon Apr 28 2014, 16:00 UTC in this case. The latter seems perfectly reasonable (and constructive) to me.

I (and other people here) emphatically disagree with George Stocker's blanket answer which tries to conflate the two. I totally disagree with George's reasoning for claiming the latter is unconstructive. How on earth is waiting like all of 7 days to answer going to make things worse in any way? It's not.

SO should give better guidance about what comment/flagging behavior is acceptable, on open competitions.

Two possibilities I see:

 1. Leave it open, but mark prominently at top 'part of open competition X which closes at D/T'.
 2. An *embargo Flag: suspend until <date & time>*, with link to competition, might also be useful. 

As to NiklasB's specific comment exchange, I haven't seen it and can't comment. But, we need guidance. I appreciate that people like NiklasB are vigilant on this. People who are looking to cheat on online competitions (which is rife) are unlikely to self-identify, let alone return and become valuable regular contributors.