In the question [Why is processing a sorted array faster than an unsorted array?][1], today I see the active value is `today`, so I click the [`[today]`][2] and it moves to [no-where][3]. I want to know *Why* and *When* clicking on `today` moves to no-where? **Edit :** I found the [list of activities]( And the fedorqui answer to the list: Id | Name | No-Where ---+---------------------------- ... -+---------------- 1 | Initial Title | 2 | Initial Body | 3 | Initial Tags | 4 | Edit Title | 5 | Edit Body | 6 | Edit Tags | 7 | Rollback Title | 8 | Rollback Body | 9 | Rollback Tags | 10 | Post Closed | 11 | Post Reopened | 12 | Post Deleted | for reputation < 10K 13 | Post Undeleted | 14 | Post Locked | 15 | Post Unlocked | 16 | Community Owned | 17 | Post Migrated | 18 | Question Merged | 19 | Question Protected | 20 | Question Unprotected | 22 | Question Unmerged | 24 | Suggested Edit Applied | 25 | Post Tweeted | 31 | Discussion moved to chat | 33 | Post Notice Added | 34 | Post Notice Removed | 35 | Post Migrated Away | 36 | Post Migrated Here | 37 | Post Merge Source | 38 | Post Merge Destination | [1]: [2]: [3]: