I've contributed [a lot to Documentation.](http://stackoverflow.com/users/371184/mike-c?tab=documentation&sort=all) Ever since it's launch I've wanted it to succeed but the more time I've spent with it, the more it seems to be nothing more than a rep mine. The only people who seem to be contributing are low-level users who neither understand the material nor seem to be interested in accuracy. Most of my contributions on Docs.SO have been correcting or reverting erroneous additions. Likewise, I never find myself using it. The search functionality is terrible and there's much better documentation spread across the internet. Combine this with the horrible additions done by low-rep users and it really seems like it's the blind leading the blind. The **only** thing that has been useful is [one example](http://stackoverflow.com/documentation/javascript/185/getting-started-with-javascript/714/using-console-log) that I point new users to when they ask a question on SO proper and seem to lack essential debugging skills. Maybe that kind of information should have a place on SO but the rest of it has not been helpful. I can't say for sure if Docs is a failure since I don't have the numbers but I can say that, in my experience, the examples are very poor quality. There's far more users who don't understand the topics trying to contribute then there are source material experts contributing and I don't expect that to ever change. At best, we have a few experts spending time fixing the errors of others rather than contributing original, useful content.