Now that people can [wield Mjölnir][1] I want a go of that mighty hammer!

Having gold badge users with superpowers in their tag is a great idea for high traffic tags. It will not help low traffic tags. For example, I joined Stack Overflow almost six years ago (shortly after the beta). Given there were Jon Skeets in the popular tags I carved out a little niche for myself in the [tag:reporting-services] tag. 

Usually in that tag there's me, some drive-by 1-rep users and tumbleweeds. I am the [third highest rep user][2] in that tag, most of my rep comes from that tag and I still only have a bronze badge for the tag. 

If I get a response for my answers it is often only "Thanks, that worked!" with no accept or up-votes, occasionally accepts with no up-vote if I'm lucky - so much so that for a long time my only gold badge was [Unsung Hero][3] (until I did enough reviews to at least get another one). [My highest voted answer for this tag][4], which was answered four years ago, has only 13 votes. 

The two users higher than me in the [tag:reporting-services] tag have silver tag badges. There are no gold badge users in this tag. 

So the [tag:reporting-services] tag can't be helped by close-as-duplicate superpowers because there are no gold badge users and probably won't be for around five years at the current rate. There is just not enough voting going on in that tag. 

The most popular repeating question, which is answered multiple times, is [ssrs iif or switch gives error][5] which was asked again today. Notwithstanding that the questioner could find the answer with a simple internet search faster than they could type the question into Stack Overflow and would have seen the duplicates on Stack Overflow when typing the question, the question still gets asked. 

I voted to close it as a duplicate four hours ago but given the low traffic in this tag no one else has yet voted to close it as a duplicate. It may never get closed as a duplicate. 

What is more likely is that while we're waiting for five people to vote to close, someone will go "Hey, I know the answer - free points!" and answer it and Stack Overflow's quality gets diluted just a bit further.

*So perhaps for low traffic tags with no or few gold badge users, we could extend the close-as-duplicate superpower to silver badge users, and if there are no or few of them to bronze badge users as well.* 

Help us users out on the fringes to clean up our little corners of Stack Overflow.
