I have here an ***invisible*** checklist that an asker can easily **paste** into their question and use as a checklist checking of items as they go. Just ***make sure*** to copy it **all**<sup>1</sup> and check to make sure it **doesn't show up** in the actual question.

     ☐ research before asking.
      ☐ web searches
      ☐ documentation
      ☐ stack overflow
    ☐ what already tried
    ☐ language
    ☐ platform version number
    ☐ short code
    ☐ complete program 
    ☐ correctly formatted code 
    ☐ compiler error(if one)
    ☐ Should Question has no code?(if doesn't contain code)
    ☐ included the exception(if one)
      ☐ message
      ☐ stack trace
    ☐ expected
    ☐ why expected it
    ☐ actual results
    ☐ relevant information about system
    ☐ question looks reasonable in formatting
    ☐ spelling
    ☐ grammar
    ☐ read to yourself
    ☐ enough information 

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<sup>1</sup>_<sub>the `<!--` and `-->` are vital in order for the checklist to NOT show up. You DO NOT want the checklist to show up as it(most likely) has NO relevance to the question you may want to ask.</sub>_  
Note: _<sub>This checklist is based off of the above checklist.</sub>_