[CLOS: how to call a less specific method?](http://stackoverflow.com/q/35171694/124319) seems to have reached a stable state of messiness and I'm a little lost about what to do next to clean it up and whether I should even worry about cleaning it up. First things first: Yes, I am a little frustrated with OP's behavior for various reasons. But the original question is legitimate for *other people* coming to Common Lisp from a different background and I want to focus on the long-term usefulness of it. Here is what went wrong In my opinion: - OP added an *Appendix* section to provide a more detailed example: that was fine, even though I don't think the additional section was necessary. - Then, more *Appendix* sections were added in order to provide *summaries* of existing answers, [which is not recommanded](https://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/258378/is-it-good-practice-to-update-your-question-with-the-answer-that-worked). I also think that those summaries are not helpful, because OP uses inaccurate terminology to explain what others already explained well- What we have is his own *understanding* of the provided answers. I think this would not benefit anyone else having the same question because these summaries add confusion to existing answers. - The summaries only cover the questions that OP is willing to consider, and do not address answers that say *"don't do it"* (Yes, those are mine, but that's irrelevant). This might distract casual readers. - Eventually, OP decided to remove *Appendix 3*, where he explained what he finally chose to do and put it into a self-answer and accepted it. That alone would be fine but that answer is really of poor quality by itself because it shows very bad Common Lisp code and wrong/sloppy wordings (I downvoted it). If OP bases his answer on Dirk's one, which is a good answer, he can just accept that one instead. The result is a really verbose question which could be edited to fit into a paragraph and an example code. I'm not sure if I should do it, though. I'm not really into edit wars and I generally only make minor changes to questions. Also, I feel I am a little too involved in this question. On the other hand, I really feel that the question contains factually wrong explanations that should simply be removed. I would really appreciate another opinion (some feedback or advice). Should I try to clean the question, and how? or shall I just leave it as it is?