I have [a question][1] that I asked a couple of years ago, that didn't go down too well (it is too specific and is extremely unlikely to help others, even if the upvotes on the answers say otherwise). I requested deletion via a custom flag a couple of times a year ago, and today (I was reviewing my declined flags):

[![enter image description here][2]][2]

Needless to say I didn't read the second flag (*stares at floor in shame*) and my third (from today) got the same treatment. I then [asked in the SOCVR][3] what credible reason I can use to have the question deleted; the advice that I was given was that I should **request for it to be dissociated**, not deleted.

I also asked how I file such a request; via a custom flag or via the 'Contact Us' link. I got a mixed response and there doesn't seem to be any clear answer on Meta or Meta.SE.

**To request a question be dissociated from my account, should I custom flag it with the request, or contact the Stack Overflow team directly using the 'Contact Us' link?** 

I don't want to waste any more of other people's time than I already have done.

  [1]: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27081797/why-cant-i-use-20-in-a-string
  [2]: https://i.sstatic.net/zP0J6l.png
  [3]: https://chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/30651586#30651586