Do not change the question's title while it is being burninated. No puns!

If you ignore this note, it will be considered abuse and handled accordingly.

*This tag is in phase 4 of the burnination process described [here](https://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/324070/what-is-the-process-for-tag-removal-burnination). In other words, the tag is in the process of being burninated. Please see the answer below to keep track of progress*


Following the format of [the burnination request for [tape]][1], I don't think that we need the [tag:logical] tag (369 questions):

  - It has only 3 followers ✔
  - There is no tag wiki ✔
  - There is only 1 question where [tag:logical] is the *only* tag, and that is [Random Number generation][2] ✔
  - The tag is, by itself, very broad ✔


 - Can you be a [tag:logical] expert? *Well*, not really. Basically everything you do in programming is (or should be) in some way logical. 
 - Does [tag:logical] add anything valuable to the question? Not at all.
 - Does a question directly relate to [tag:logical] ever? Not really, because, again, almost everything we do is logical. 

We already have a [tag:logical-operators] tag, along with a [tag:logic] tag. Currently, most of the questions tagged with [tag:logical] have to do either with logical operators, or with some sort of logical structure, such as [proper use of an if-statement][3] or [why "one" < 2 is false][4]. I don't think that this tag fits what tags are supposed to be, nor does it do what tags are supposed to do. 

Should this tag be burninated? Or possibly retagged to [tag:logic]/[tag:logical-operators] depending on the case?

  [1]: https://meta.stackoverflow.com/q/262962/4015623
  [2]: https://stackoverflow.com/q/10143163/359284
  [3]: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10429385/what-should-be-passed-into-if-to-print-hello-world
  [4]: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27005295/why-is-one-2-false-in-r