It's a Stack Snippets bug (but SE won't call it a bug, they call it a "feature request"), please see [this question]( The problem is that the version of babel-standalone used by Stack Snippets is (well) out of date and doesn't understand `async`/`await`. Amusingly, on any modern browser, if you **un**tick the Babel box in the snippet, it'll work. But if you want JSX compilation, you need to tick the box, so using `async` in (say) a React question won't work. It also works if you use a current version of babel-standalone, like this: <!-- begin snippet: js hide: false console: true babel: false --> <!-- language: lang-html --> <script src=""></script> <script type="text/babel"> function bar() { return new Promise((resolve,reject) => { setTimeout(()=> { resolve('resolved after 1500ms'); },1500); // return resolve('resolved'); }); } async function foo() { const result = await bar(); console.log(result); } foo(); </script> <!-- end snippet --> Note that you can't put the code that Babel will process in the JavaScript panel in the snippet editor. You have to put it in the HTML panel instead, in a `<script type="text/babel">...</script>` tag.