I'll quote from [the answer I gave when this question was raised on Physics' Meta a while back][1]: > The current setup for the "interesting" tab looks at the last 3,000 posts, using [various user- and post-specific metrics][2] to display 90 personalized posts; that makes sense, since Stack Overflow gets over twice that every day. We could look at less than that, but... > ...At 42 questions per day, Physics.SE's homepage already displays most recent activity on the site... to *everyone*. The logic used for the "interesting" tab as it's currently set up wouldn't accomplish much. This still applies to [most sites other than Stack Overflow][3] - and while it's possible that Mathematics, Super User and Ask Ubuntu could benefit from a more nuanced display of questions, we've come to believe that [the current "Interesting" algorithm isn't really ideal even on Stack Overflow](https://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/258699/the-stack-overflow-homepage-is-over-emphasizing-bad-questions-and-a-proposed-so); a system that doesn't skew *quite* as much toward displaying recent, unanswered posts regardless of quality is [under development][4], and - while currently focused on the specific needs of Stack Overflow - might eventually be more suitable for use network-wide. [1]: https://physics.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/4384/add-interesting-questions-tab-to-front-page/4385#4385 [2]: https://physics.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/4384/add-interesting-questions-tab-to-front-page/4385#4385 [3]: http://stackexchange.com/sites#questionsperday [4]: https://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/271128/feedback-requested-new-recommended-homepage-algorithm-phase-3