You can view the source for posts in their history view; take a look at [your question history]( for example, there is a *source* link for each revision: > ![source link][1] The Markdown source is then loaded and shown below the revision. If you are looking at a revision later than the first, make sure you are looking at the *inline* difference view to see the source too. You can get to the history view for any post by using the URL:<postid>/revisions If a post has been edited a *history* link is available, for posts without edits you'll have to manually enter the URL, or use a [user script that adds it in when missing]( ---- As for the red 'button', those are moderator-only tags: [meta-tag:status-bydesign] becomes [meta-tag:status-bydesign]. This only works for *actual, existing tags*. See You can see this in the [revision history of the post you reference](; both in the side-by-side diff for the 3rd revision, as well as in the source you can load there. [1]: