The [tag:srs] tag is defined, in its Wiki Excerpt, as being for questions related to "Software Requirement Specification". It does not have many questions: currently 38 (but some of these are likely mis-tagged – *vide infra*). However, a [new user]( is actively adding (or attempting to add) this tag to questions about "Simple Realtime Server". In fact, this user has attempted to re-define the tag with suggested edits to the Wiki and Wiki Excerpt. The latter ([which I came across during review][1]) has already been rejected (thanks to some help from an SOCVR regular) but [the suggestion for the Wiki itself is still pending][2]. Note that there is currently no main Wiki text for the *original* SRS meaning. What should be done about this? As there are still only a few posts, should we disambiguate these two meanings into separate, more explicit tags? And, if so, what shall we name them? Or, should the "first-claimed" meaning reign supreme, and the attempts at redefinition be simply rejected (possibly with an appropriate communication to the new user)? [1]: [2]: