I figured out the source of the problem. In short: it occurs when you click *rapidly* after opening a snippet for the first time, before the snippet framework HTML has had a time to load. Clicking triggers a listener which expects the snippet HTML (and associated data) to be loaded. An error is thrown, and further JS execution stops, preventing you from saving / canceling the snippet to get back to the question/answer box. It's pretty reproducible if you try to make it happen deliberately and live more than a few milliseconds away from the servers. The problem is ultimately caused by the [primary.css](https://cdn.sstatic.net/Sites/stackoverflow/primary.css) stylesheet rule of .modal.auto-center.snippet-modal { pointer-events: none; } User-side, this can be fixed by inserting the following CSS rule onto the page. I haven't seen any negative consequences from using it: .snippet-modal { pointer-events: auto !important; } You could do this automatically with something like Stylish or a userscript: // ==UserScript== // @name Snippet Modal Fixer // @author CertainPerformance // @description Prevents snippet double-clicking from breaking the snippet interface // @version 1.0 // @match https://stackoverflow.com/questions/* // @grant none // ==/UserScript== document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('style')).textContent = ` .snippet-modal { pointer-events: auto !important; } `; I don't know the purpose of the original rule that's causing the problem, there may be a good reason for it, but overriding it seems to work for the moment. ---- Complicated Javascript error details ahead: The first time you click on the `<>` button to create a snippet, or when you click on "edit the above snippet", the site makes a network request to [/snippets/editor-ui](https://stackoverflow.com/snippets/editor-ui) to get the snippet modal's HTML. Two elements immediately appear as children of the `<body>`: a lightbox `<div class="lightbox" ...</div>` and, on top of it (with `z-index`), a `<div class="modal snippet-modal ...`, which gets populated with the snippet HTML once the network request resolves. The snippet modal follows [the following](https://cdn.sstatic.net/Sites/stackoverflow/primary.css) CSS rule: .modal.auto-center.snippet-modal { pointer-events: none } Once the network request finishes, this `.snippet-modal` gets populated by a child, `<div class="snippet-holder">`, which has `pointer-events: auto;`. But, this means that *before* the request finishes, clicks on `.snippet-modal` will instead be registered by (have an `event.target` of) whatever element's behind the `.snippet-modal`, which is the `.lightbox`. There is a [mousedown listener](https://dev.stackoverflow.com/content//Js/stub.en.js) on the body: $('body').mousedown(function (e) { var target = $(e.target); if (target.closest('.ac_results, .popup, .wmd-prompt-dialog, .message, .modal, .body-click-hide').length) return; // close some interfaces under certain conditions: if (!target.closest('.share-tip').length) { doEscapeClose('.share-tip', clickOutside); } // other calls to doEscapeClose It's intended to return immediately if the clicked element has a `.modal` ancestor. But, if the response hasn't come back yet, the `.snippet-modal` hasn't been populated with `.snippet-holder` yet, so the click goes through the `.snippet-modal` and is registered on the lightbox instead. The above code won't `return`, and `doEscapeClose` will be called, eventually leading to these lines: var popupClosing = $.Event('popupClosing', eventData); items.trigger(popupClosing); This event is observed in [snippet-javascript.en.js](https://dev.stackoverflow.com/content//Js/snippet-javascript.en.js): var save = function (isEscape) { var state = snippetPopup.data('_snippet').save(); // <-------- error // do some other stuff } snippetPopup.on('popupClosing', function (e) { // do some stuff save(isEscape); }); The `_snippet` data is intended to be populated when the `initEditor` function runs: var initEditor = function () { elem.data('_snippet', snippet); // ... } // ... loadEditorInnerHtml(options.readonly).then(initEditor); But if the snippet HTML hasn't come back yet, the `loadEditorInnerHtml` Promise hasn't resolved yet, so `snippetPopup.data('_snippet')` returns `undefined`, and `undefined.save()` throws the error. Lots of ways to fix it, but that's up to the devs.