**What happened to "Complete"?**

I have seen other point out what the letters in MCVE stand for where the question is deficient. Now I want to do the same, only to find that [my request for more information](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/56261852/how-to-compile-cuda-within-clang-when-included-by-main-c-file) itself is incomplete (pun intended).

How do I ask a poster for the missing information?

Edit: The dialog box coming up on a close vote contains the following text:
> Questions seeking debugging help ("**why isn't this code working?**") must
> include the desired behavior, a *specific problem or error* and *the
> shortest code necessary* to reproduce it **in the question itself**.
> Questions without a **clear problem statement** are not useful to other
> readers. See: [How to create a Minimal, Reproducible Example](https://stackoverflow.com/help/minimal-reproducible-example).

To me, that is a better description than the linked page provides (the one we are discussing) for the explicit references to *desired behavior* and *a clear problem statement*.  
I would like it even more if it mentioned *the desired behavior* and *how actual behavior differs* from those expectations.