I see, for example: - [tag:perl] - [tag:perl4] - [tag:perl5] - [tag:perl5.6] - [tag:perl5.8] - [tag:perl5.10] - [tag:perl5.12] - [tag:perl5.14] - [tag:perl5.18] - [tag:perl6] Many of these have only a couple of questions tagged with them. Should only the main one be used? Does it depend on how many questions are associated with them, or should the general rule of thumb be that there should be one tag for a language? I can see that, perhaps, one might want to know "this is a Perl 5.18 question, so I will answer it differently from a Perl5.14 question". But couldn't this be handled without tags, such as by stating the version at the beginning of the question? *(Note that there might reasonably be tags for distinct aspects/modules/packages for languages, such as [tag:bioperl]. That seems different from the issue of language **version**.)*