I have come across SO questions where the asker struggles to frame the question in English, obviously because he is a not-native English speaker.  
And most recently this question: [How to close the app][1].  
Another case in which SO user Deceze answered a good enough solution for this: [Non-native English speakers and asking a bilingual question][2]. 

I, personaly, think that a [tag:bilingual] tag would be a more unified approach to this. Also people, in no time, will be knowing, it's there and it's not illegal if I don't know much English. 

For ex: A post tagged like [tag:bilingual-hindi] or maybe just [tag:Hindi] can contain a quote in Hindi, and someone who knows Hindi as well as good at English can edit the question accordingly.

> I am not good at English and I am briefly explaining the question in this
> quote, in Hindi. I know someone will come and edit the question for me. Also, I must be trying hard and framing the rest of question in English, as well.

This way a non-native English user would feel less alienated in SO. What do you think?

  [1]: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24465699/how-to-close-the-app
  [2]: http://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/261910/non-native-english-speakers-and-asking-a-bilingual-question