Problem: obviously and evidently, **many images on the site are 2x as large as they should be** due to the 144/72 dpi duality problem. --- Long story short, when you take a screen shot on a Mac, it records it at 144 rather than 72 abstract dpi. HERE IS AN EXAMPLE: [example][1] NOTE THAT IT IS, OBVIOUSLY, DOUBLY-OVERSIZED [![enter image description here][2]][2] (When I see the problem on a new SO question and have time, **I quickly edit the image down to the correct size, but I can't do 'em all**.) Solutions could include: 1. some part of the pipeline **understands** that that 144 dpi images should be correctly cut in half for www presentation 2. when dragging in an image, at least some sort of *warning* like "Alert to Mac users, do not upload enormous images" 3. when adding an image. there's a **button** like "Image far too large? Click here to 50%" 4. i think some folks edit typos, etc with **robots**? maybe someone could just sweep through the site, identify 144 dpi images and edit them? IDK 5. more people can jump on the job of manually shrinking the images :/ 6. when dragging in an image. ***the system notices if the image is ridiculously large*** and takes appropriate action (at the very least, just alerting the user to how large it is) Here's a simple solution: 7. Plain limit the width/height of images uploaded, to some reasonable figure. Solutions? --- {Just for anyone who doesn't use a Mac and is curious, the only reasonable workaround to this is you drag something to an external monitor before taking a screenshot; (perhaps even more whackily) it then makes a correct resolution screenshot for internet use.} [1]: [2]: