The numbers on [`/review`]( are a lie (and [caching]( and is discussed before [on MSE](

The topbar counter jumped when you reached 10K probably because it unlocked the [moderator tools privilige]( which also gave you access to the full review history of all users in all queues.

You can reconstruct the number you see if you take a look at this [SEDE query]( (updated last saturday).

    count               |name                |name 
    8221                |Close Votes         |Active              
       2                |First Post          |Active              
       5                |Helper              |Active              
     162                |Low Quality Posts   |Active              
    1412                |Suggested Edit      |Active              
      19                |Triage              |Active              

and notice that the close vote review count was never part of the number of available reviews in the topbar. If you leave those out of the above numbers we get close to the 1600 you see. 

The suggested edit count is most off in the /review page and that has probably to do with the review-lock that is applied to suggested-edit reviews as explained [in this answer]( from [Geoff Dalgas](

> It's a bit like ticketmaster, or any type of reservation system. When you visit a suggested edit review task it's now "checked out" to you for that time - the counter previously didn't reflect the amount of "checked out" tasks.

So to conclude: In the topbar you see all available reviews site wide (excluding close votes on SO) and on /review you see the number of tasks available for you personally. Depending on locks and caching those numbers vary.