I recently came across a comment including:

[How to create a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example][1]

And I realised I have never come across it before, which seems odd given the amount of time I've been posting on Stack Exchange and generally making a nuisance of myself. If it had been diplomatically introduced to me when I first started... I... um... would probably have found it patronising and ignored it but... Probably if I weren't so hot headed I'd have found the article really useful and it would have saved a lot of "huh, why was this question downvoted" confusion, which I like to save for genuinely politically motivated downvotes and conspiracies.

In any eventuality, I assume the link to it is tucked away somewhere in the help center, so I just thought I'd ask if we could put it somewhere more prominent, or if I'm just being a massive buffoon and overlooking some already obvious placement... Or maybe people could just post it in comments to more questions, as and where it's relevant. I shall certain try to.

It really is rather lovely.

  [1]: https://stackoverflow.com/help/mcve