Thanks for voting! The selected challenge is: > **RxJS and React** > > **Task:** Use RxJS and react to implement any game based on the subject of gravity - that is the player is affected by gravity somehow. The game can be as simple (like jump every 5 seconds) or as hard as you'd like (like flappy bird a or more). You can start working on it today. You _may_ submit your code to [the GitHub repo]( but is is not required in order to participate. ------- We at [the JS chat room]( want to throw short monthly challenges where everyone gets the same task in a new language/library/framework. After [the last one was successful]( we're looking at a new challenge for January. The idea is to learn a new technology, code something fun and share knowledge, opinions and experience. The scope is meant to be rather small. It's something one should be able to hack together in an evening of work. **Post your ideas here. Once an idea is chosen, post your solutions in the JavaScript chat room, or hang out there and examine others' solutions.** ### Format: > Language/Framework/Library > > Task: Description here Please try to suggest something new that it is unlikely room members already did: Here's an example: > **Scala** > > **Task:** Write a parser in scala that accepts a `.json` file and reads all the numbers in the file. The output is a JSON file containing all the numeric values in an array. You may not use any existing JSON parsers. As you can see - it uses a non-JS technology (Scala) has a clear and small goal and is doable. Voting and submitting ideas will start today and end in 5 days. You may vote even if you're not going to participate. If you're not a room regular in the [JS chat room]( you're welcome to join us in the challenge. Good luck.