In principle the [How to ask a good question]( guide has all the details in that are needed to ask a question, which can be answered. The first action to take might hence be to remove the "good" from the title and make it the definitive guide to asking a question. (I've seen new users argue that they don't want to ask a particularly *good* question.) Also, it should't say that it is a guide to "improve chances for getting an answer", but simply that every question should stick to this guide.

Any template or clickable guide or so could just stick very closely to what the *How to ask* guide tells us. 

One thing this guide isn't very good at is making it clear that *every* question needs a problem description and explaining what a problem description really is. It's all there, but rather implicitely.  
I often have the impression that bad questions are being asked simply due to the lack of understanding what a problem description is and why it is needed.  
This may be due to a misconception of the term "problem". It is often confused with a "task" (Or a problem is seen as a task that one doesn't know how to solve.)

The understanding that a **problem is not simply a task** is key and I would even dare to say that everyone who has this understanding will be able to ask an answerable question. The fact that one needs to make the problem understandable/reproducible for others is then just a corrolary.

One problem often observed with MCVEs is that people do understand "minimal", but not "complete" or "verifiable". If possible one should make it clear that the emphazis is on all three of them. 

If the *How to ask* guide is updated accordingly, I could imagine to add a confirmative and mandatory checkbox for a UI:

    ☑ I have read and understood "How to ask", "Minimal complete verifiable example"
    ☑ My question includes a clear problem description, not only a task.

Also, one might opt for

    ☑ I've included all details (MCVE of code, error traceback, system in use) 
      to let others reproduce the problem. 
    ☐ I haven't included all details, because:
      Reason: _________

This would let people think about the reasons for not sticking to **How to ask*. 

A final remark: You (the Stackexchange people) can put a lot of effort into designing a question template, or user guide or whatever it is. This will all lead to little improvement as long as there is a clear incentive for people actually answering bad questions. If people can gain reputation from answering bad or duplicate questions, they will. If people see their bad or incomplete questions being answered, or just see that it costs them less effort to ask a 1 sentence question and have it marked as duplicate (effectively linking them to the solution), than to search for a solution, they will ask more bad questions (and other new users will see those questions being answered, so they follow this lead).  
If you really want to do something against bad questions, you will need to change the awarding system.