You can find this information on the Help Center page: [How do I delete my account?][1]:

> *User deletion is irreversible! By sending this request, your votes
> will be revoked, and all of your content will be made anonymous.*
> ###If your account has never voted or posted more than once:
> You should see a delete option on your user profile by clicking the
> *Edit Profile & Settings* link on most sites:
> [![enter image description here][2]][2]
> ----------
> ###If you *have* voted or posted, please contact the Stack Exchange Team:
> Visit the [**contact form**][3] and select 'I need to delete my user profile.'
> After you contact us, the team will reach out with further
> instructions.


The above cases do not apply to Area 51 yet ([source][4]). The workaround can be found in Tim Post's answer at the source link.
