The user *generally* doesn't have the power to close their own question, as that power is reserved by users who have enough reputation to close questions, or by moderators.

The Community user is a moderator, and has the power to close questions, and since the OP would be the one requesting the action (and they cannot perform it), then the Community user would need to own the closure action.

The Community user itself owns quite a lot in terms of votes - [you can see that]( on their profile page.


For elaboration (and some technical detail):

The only people who can cast binding close votes are diamond moderators and gold badge users in a given tag, and only then in the case of a duplicate vote.  Since the OP in this does not have a gold badge for *any* tag, and because they are not a diamond moderator, they only have a non-binding close vote.

It used to be the case that an OP vote was the same as anyone else's vote on a duplicate, but that is effectively worked around by the fact that Community *is* a diamond moderator *and* can cast a binding vote on a post.  This was implemented [back in 2015](, and was intended to help OPs more effectively moderate their own content.