I made an answer on SO that got deleted. However, now this answer is actually hidden, meaning I can see it, as well as moderators I think. It's no big deal really, but I don't see the point of keeping it hidden and would prefer to tight up SO and make it disappear. => So is it possible to actually fully delete the deleted/hidden question? *Note on context:* The answer I am writing about was a duplicate of my answer to another question that also applied to this question. I lazily duplicated it, without editing it to better fit the question. My bad. And it got deleted, rightfully, and I lost an up-vote. When I found out it was deleted, I tried to edit it to fit the question better and ask to undelete it. But I couldn't. So I simply made a new answer. And there are simply no point in keeping the first hidden answer. Note that this answer, apart from being initially a duplicate, is suitable for SO standard.