**Case:** I have voted to close [this][1] as duplicate before two month. Since no other user seconded my vote, the vote is automatically retracted and I can't vote again. I flagged it a Moderator that should be closed as duplicate, but my flag got declined and the question is still open.

**Case:** I couldn't close [this][2] as a duplicate of [this][3]. Both questions are by the same user but under two different accounts. I raised a flag with explanation and I am still anticipating the feedback. Since the first question has an answer but isn't accepted nor up-voted, It can't be closed. The _workaround_ is to up-vote that answer, then vote to close second question.

**Case:** I have noticed that _user-X_ is receiving _suspicious_ up-votes even on wrong/vague/incomplete answers. Again, I have flagged that user with no response so far.

> Dear Moderators, are you overloaded? Allow us to take a _weight_ off your shoulders, you can lean on us.

There are over **8k** users with "[_Access To Moderators Tools Privilege_][4]", and the number is increasing day by day. I can't tell how many of them are actively participating in keeping SO's atmosphere _healthy_ for both help seekers and help providers. However, I am sure that the majority are willing to volunteering if they get the chance to be deeper involved in the community.

Why don't each Moderator team up with experienced users in _tags_ that have high traffic? As I have mentioned in this [answer][5], why not to utilize "Gold Badge"?

We are not after rep nor badges, we want to help! Can't we team up?

  [1]: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22103323/jquery-mobile-viewport-height
  [2]: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23308215/how-to-add-data-dynamically-in-jquerry
  [3]: https://stackoverflow.com/q/23306311/1771795
  [4]: https://stackoverflow.com/help/privileges/moderator-tools
  [5]: https://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/252195/there-is-no-shame-in-using-skip/252264#252264