Before we build a [Data query][1], let's find out whether we're asking the right question: - Are this really low-reputation users who do not accept answers? What does low reputation mean? How low? - Might it depend less on the reputation but on the number of questions a user has already asked? Maybe it was a good question, got many upvotes, but it is still the only question of that user. - Is StackOverflow simply responding too fast so that a newbie gets an answer, tries to accept but the [10 minutes period][4] is not over yet? - Does it also depend on the fact that a newbie has never given an answer and not experienced that not becoming the accepted answer makes it hard to get required privileges? - Does it also depend on whether or not they have read the tour and earned the `Informed` badge? With all the questions open, this is a first graph which might help the discussion: [Find unanswered questions by noob and reputation][2] ![Screenshot of the query result][3] We can see the spikes at 1, 6 and 11 which are due to the 5 point reputation change per upvote. And we can see the number decreasing, which was expected. Since I am new to OData, I make this a community wiki answer, so anyone can contribute here. [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: