I would like to be notified when a Meta question is asked about a Stack Overflow question I've asked, answered, or commented on.

I'll refrain from suggesting solutions here in order to avoid conflating voting support/disapproval for the goal with support/disapproval for any given design for achieving the goal.


**Update 1:** Related questions:  There are two related questions, useful for background but ***insufficient for closing this question as a duplicate***:

 1. [Is it possible to know if your question is being discussed on Meta
    Stack Overflow?][1]

    That question asks if it is possible and is tagged a [tag:discussion].  Answer is that [*there is no automated system that would inform you*][2].  An answer regarding whether there *should be an automated notification was **not** provided.*  The present question is specifically a [tag:feature-request] for there to be an automated notification.
 2. [Automatically link original post to meta 'Specific-Question'

    That is a similar [tag:feature-request] but received too few views (37) to gauge interest.  Plus, [the author has joined the conversation to support his request here][4], and the question is now closed a duplicate of this question.


  [1]: https://meta.stackoverflow.com/q/297264/290085
  [2]: https://meta.stackoverflow.com/a/297265/290085
  [3]: https://meta.stackoverflow.com/q/267241/290085
  [4]: https://meta.stackoverflow.com/a/313851/290085