I don't have statistic data to support my suspicions, but I suppose, it's just because Stack Overflow has too many questions to simply read the big part of them even if someone is very boring. I've noticed smaller sites are highly upvoting. It's possible to read all new questions every day, or at least all questions from given 'category' (region, a type of travel, etc.) and it doesn't take long. There are many active users upvoting everything they find good. On Stack Overflow, it's possible to see only a tiny fraction of the whole mass of questions, in the same time most of them are very specific, so even if I'm a Java specialist, *almost all* questions in [tag:java] are for me of limited, if not none, usability (and answers, consequently, the same). It's much easier to get more reputation on the other sites with the same expertise level and the same number of questions. On the other side, on Stack Overflow is much easier to post **a lot of** answers because there are so many questions. It means, to accumulate many upvotes on Stack Overflow, you need an immense number of answers.