I'm trying to find SO on-topic questions about *prompt engineering*.

According to several articles on the Web from AI experts, *prompt engineering* is the fine art of *writing* an input to get from chatbot like DALL-E, ChatGPT and others a valuable output looks to be tagged with [tag:prompt], [tag:command-line]. The Wikipedia article about this term make it look a lot more complex but maybe both are right, just explaining the term in different context and for different audiences.

Anyway, seeing *prompt engineering* as *writing prompts*, might look like a trivial task but a good *prompt engineer* besides wrinting the prompt also have to think about other API parameters like the maximum number of tokens to be returned by the API, the number of options to request the API to calculate, etc.

My first candidate was [tag:prompt]. This tag has 2,264 questions. Current tag excerpt (there is no tag wiki body)

> prompt is a command-line or graphical interface which presents the user with a line editor or modal dialog and suspends execution until input is returned

But this tag looks to be a meta-tag:

*prompt is a* 

- command-line or   
     *we already have [tag:command-line]*
- graphical interface which presents the user with a line editor   
     *we already have [tag:user-interface]*
- modal dialog and suspends execution until input is returned  
     *we already have [tag:modal-dialog]*

[tag:command-line] has 23,235 questions, but it doesn't look to be used yet for questions related to *prompt engineering*, or at least I'm not able to find additional terms that help me.

There aren't many questions using the term *`prompt engineering`* (two words, separated by one space). Specialist from the field looks to just use *prompt* or *input*. Any hint?


- https://meta.stackoverflow.com/q/423455/1595451

Related from Artificial Intelligence

- [Are "prompt engineering" and "prompt design" used as synonymous?](https://ai.stackexchange.com/q/39168/42632)