> - Votes, per reputation and account age - Votes, per referrer - Votes, per amount of score in the relevants tag: c++, optimization, cpu-architecture Should any of these points be relevant for upvotes/downvotes instead of the actual questions content? --------------------------- > How many of those 163 upvotes come from users that don't regularly visit SO? Well, let's vivisect that: > - Votes, per reputation and account age Someone trusted was upvoted (devil shits on biggest heap, or the post was really helpful for many viewers). > - Votes, per referrer Drive by votes are likely gotten from referrers, low rep users with less insight how voting should work are likely to upvote crap also. > - Votes, per amount of score in the relevants tag: c++, optimization, cpu-architecture You mean score of the voter? Same as the 2nd point IMHO. ------------------------------------ Sorry to answer with counter questions, but I think that's another important point to consider. Finally votes are anonymous, **and there are no SEDE queries available** to track these backwards by properties available from the voters profile. ----------------------- > It can shed some lights about which tiers of users push towards one or another direction. Well, I was often contemplating about the _butterfly effect_ my vote will have on a post. The most time I'm concluding like - If there's a reason to close, I almost always also DV the post - If it's worth it, I'll garnish that with a comment - Rarely I close vote without a downvote along, because the post formally matches all the policies we gave in the [help center](http://stackoverflow.com/help), but is too broad or another custom reason might apply