Occasionally I come across a user who is signing their posts and adding their organisation details to the signature. This usually takes a form similar to this:

> Kind regards,
> Mylene Name  
> Widgets Inc

Normally when folks add regards and a signature, I trim them as a matter of course. However, if someone is posting on behalf of a company (e.g. as a developer evangelist) then this is useful conflict-of-interest information that helps readers make decisions about the information within.

I am usually keen to treat this sort of thing as fluff, and have done in the past, but I am having doubts about doing so, because it could be useful. I don't want to discourage helpers from disclosing their affiliations either.

One solution is to ask posters to put their company name in their username, but that may be regarded as an arduous change if the only reason is to trim signature fluff. What is the best approach here?


For example, consider the following developer evangelist answer:

> Yes, that configuration is possible. You'd need to upgrade to the WhizzBang instance with two extra Whistles. You can do so through the following YAML configuration:
>     config:
>         moar_cats: true
>         extra_waffles: true
> Tyler Bell  
> WhizzBang Cloud Ltd

In this case, it is helpful to know that the poster is from WhizzBang Cloud Ltd, because they're recommending upgrades for the company they work for.

Further reading on handling self-promotion, and when conflicts of interest should be disclosed, [is available in Brad's answer here](https://meta.stackoverflow.com/a/348498/472495).

Future development

As an aside, and one for the future: perhaps Stack Exchange could develop a special profile type to say that the account "posts on behalf of"? Either it could be active at all times, or the answerer could tick a box (just like Community Wiki) to say whether they're answering as themselves or an organisation.

This would be an ideal solution, since it draws attention to the affiliation in a standard fashion, _and_ removes unsightly signature fluff. However, it'd be good to agree a solution for now.