I understand that Stack Overflow wants to keep the bar low to post a question because that is the whole reason the site exist. However the fierce moderation scare users away after their first post and the ones that give it a second shot run the risk of hitting an almost irreversible question ban. 

If we are going to change the Ask Question page, its design goal should be: 

- prevent posting of a question by users that really don't care
- being helpful for users that do care
- not being a big hurdle

The new page should be tailored to your *ask question level*: beginner, competent and expert.<sup>[1](http://www.rebeccawestburns.com/index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&id=57:five-stages-of-acquiring-expertise-novice-to-expert&Itemid=187)</sup>  
I'm a fan of [the question checklist](http://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/260648/stack-overflow-question-checklist), so my proposal is an attempt to create room for those checks.

For the beginner, the Ask Question page should really be a Wizard, with 5 pages:

- page 1: **Intro**. At the top the required action, in the content it should explain the process of asking a question, at the right links, at the bottom the `I'm ready to proceed` call to action.
- page 2: **Body**. At the top 3 or 4 hints how to write a good question, in the content the question body and preview , at the right links to formatting, at the bottom the `My question is clear and properly formatted` call to action. If possible, you could run a server side syntax check, quality score and show its outcome.  
- Page 3: **Title**. At the top the hints about good and bad title. In the content the title input box with the duplicate title search. If hits are returned, you can point out that asking a duplicate is not wise. At the bottom the call to action `My title accurately summarizes my question`.  
- Page 4: **Tags**. At the top show tags, excerpts, and wikis. In the content 5 vertical placeholders for tags. When a tag is chosen, show the excerpt and the first 100 characters of the tag wiki. At the bottom call to action `These tags are relevant for my question`.
- Page 5: **Post Question**. At the top show hints what down-votes mean, what comments are for, and how to edit. In the content show a preview of the question. At the bottom call to action `My question is complete and ready to post`.

The whole idea is to be able to provide the user with information and guidance that fits their goal. Writing a title is a different task than writing and formatting text, while correctly categorizing your question is another separate task. Those three need their own guidance and active feedback, and in the end all those tasks should fit together perfectly to have the best result.

For the competent (anyone with 1 question asked), the wizard is down to two pages, with the first page showing the score of their previous questions. When that score is less than zero, they received down-votes, or had their question closed, it should explain ways that they can improve their questions. Page 2 can be the title, body and tags, as it is now. It can show links to the guidance that was in the novice wizard. The call to action when the previous score was bad should be `This question has fixed the problems that my previous one had`. If the score was OK, a neutral call to action can be used.

For the expert (exact criteria are open for discussion but let's say for now: above 3 questions, without down- or close-votes, or 5 questions, no matter what) the Ask Question page is the same one we use now. Just one page, no wizard.

In no way I'm a UX type of person but with my limited skills this is a mock-up of the title page of my proposal:

[![mockup of one wizard page][1]][2]

  [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/3cdrRm.png
  [2]: https://i.sstatic.net/3cdrR.png